Drop us a line and we'll get back to you. Once a year - usually in the first week of July - we open the group to the public. We'll be happy if you join us.
It's possible. We can come see you and together with your clients, friends, neighbours, or whoever else, create a joint performance. Contact one of our instructors/jokers and they'll fill you in on the details.
We'd love to come. You can pick a performance from our repertoire and contact our production manager, who will discuss the details with you.
It's possible. First you need to absolve one group with us, during which you will try out the creation of a theatre performance. Once a year, we hold a course for jokers, which you can register for. We're planning the first course in the fall of 2023. If you're already interested now, drop us a line and we'll get back to you with a date.